Meet SJ Whenham


Hi, I’m Sam. Thanks for stopping by.

I started writing poetry and prose as a young girl. Scribbling away in notebooks that would begin stacking up over time. Writing has always been an outlet for me, and through publishing here, I hope to inspire others to continue, or begin their own writing journeys.

I started getting serious about publishing at the onset of the pandemic. I needed something to do, other than drink wine for breakfast. So began a painstaking process of sifting through all my journals (as far back as 2010) and digitizing all my work. Years of poetry and musings, became 280 pages of content in a Word document.

Digitizing my work proved more difficult than just trying to read my 20 year old self’s writing. It was an exercise in remembering all the women I used to be. I came face to face with the woman that I am now through the evolution of those pages. I mourned the loss of my old selves, and rejoiced in their journey to bring me to this moment.

I’ve always dreamed of calling myself an author, a poet, a writer, and had to deal with the reality of owning my voice. For the first time, what I was saying, and who I had become, was no longer closed up between pages.

My first collection is titled: Coming Out of the Chaos.

It will be released this year, Spring 2022.

My first collection is the story of a pastoral upbringing, the chaos of young womanhood, and being called home to myself. This collection is from my private journals, and I hope it resonates with you.


Nice to meet you!

I’m Sam.

Follow the unfolding journey on Instagram: @samwhenham